8am - 6pm Mon - Fri

Dental check-ups

Book your appointment now!

be in the know about your oral health

Dental check-ups are vital to maintaining good oral health and for preventing any future issues that may arise. Check-ups involve a few general questions regarding your oral health, a simple examination of your teeth and gums, and any quick x rays if required. During the examination, if any problems are identified, your dentist will thoroughly explain what the diagnosis is and the relevant treatment options available. We will give you a clear break-down of the cost of these treatments, so you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision on which route is best for you.

Catching the problem early is always good, so keeping up attendance of these regular dates is important for keeping updated about your health. Simply popping in twice a year for a quick check benefits you greatly, these visits allow for your dentist to give you in-depth, personalised advice on how to maintain excellent oral hygiene according to any potential issues highlighted in the check-up.

  • Call to make a convenient appointment with one of our expert dentists.
  • Turn up and be greeted by one of our friendly, welcoming receptionists.

It is recommended that you visit us for a check-up every 6 to 24 months to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. These examinations are routine and take no longer than 30 minutes – perfect for popping in during your lunch break.

Bilston Dental Care

7 Wellington Road, Bilston, WV14 6AA

01902 491 009

[email protected]

Benefits of
Dental check-ups:

prevent problems

detect issues early

maintain good oral health

personalised dentist advice

Other Services

Cosmetic Dentistry

All our patients have the best care possible when exploring ways to reach their new smile.


Fillings are used to repair damaged teeth following decay, tooth wear or trauma.

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